Media Literacy in the Context Of Information Security

Media Literacy in the Context Of Information Security


  • Mahmudova Maftuna Hamza kizi Teacher of the Faculty of International Journalism of UzSWLU


media manipulation, populism, information dysfunctions, media literacy, critical thinking, media education, media competence, media mentality.


The purpose of the article is to clarify the concept of media literacy in the context of information security. This work contains a brief review of specialized literature on the problem of ideas about “media literacy” in the country and abroad. The main research method in the article is the analysis of legal documents that contribute to the development of media literacy. This study seems highly relevant, since in the modern world media literacy can play a vital role in countering media manipulation, populism and information dysfunctions.




How to Cite

Mahmudova Maftuna Hamza kizi. (2024). Media Literacy in the Context Of Information Security. Actual Problems in Higher Education in the Era of Globalization: International Scientific and Practical Conference, 7, 6–7. Retrieved from