Problems Of Improving The Legal Culture Of Youth During The Formation Of Civil Society

Problems Of Improving The Legal Culture Of Youth During The Formation Of Civil Society


  • Abdullaev Azam Abdiyevych Independent researcher of the National University of Uzbekistan


legal culture, youth development, civil society, legal education, moral awareness, legal literacy, social impacts, institutional frameworks, responsible citizenship, challenges and solutions


This article critically examines the tasks related to increasing legal culture among young people in the context of civil society formation. It explores the complexities and obstacles faced in developing a solid legal understanding and moral consciousness among young people. The article explores the role of legal education, community influence, and institutional frameworks in increasing legal literacy and educating responsible citizens. It also discusses potential solutions and strategies to overcome barriers to building a strong legal culture among young people in order to build a cohesive civil society.




How to Cite

Abdullaev Azam Abdiyevych. (2023). Problems Of Improving The Legal Culture Of Youth During The Formation Of Civil Society. Actual Problems in Higher Education in the Era of Globalization: International Scientific and Practical Conference, 5, 102–104. Retrieved from