The Crack-up by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Revisited

The Crack-up by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Revisited


  • Nino Dzamukashvili Assistant Professor Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University


autobiographical essay, depression, author’s honesty, depressionrecovery


The aim of the article is to offer a brief analysis of The Crack-Up essays by F. Scott Fitzgerald. We tried to point out the tragic nuances of the content and to observe how the author manages to distance from his suffering ego and offer ‘himself’ to readers as another fictional character in these confessional to a larger extent pieces of writing, not unfrequently with a certain dark humor. We highlighted the changing of the writer’s tone for the better from essay to essay; a true sign of recovering while committing one’s anguish to a sheet of paper. One of the threads that we tried to pursue was, whether authors are really capable of complete honesty.




How to Cite

Dzamukashvili, N. . (2023). The Crack-up by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Revisited. Actual Problems in Higher Education in the Era of Globalization: International Scientific and Practical Conference, 98–102. Retrieved from