Role of Exact and Natural Sciences During the Renaissance III <p>Role of Exact and Natural Sciences During the Renaissance III: International Scientific and Practical Conference is established to get involved in the Establishlishment of academic exchange with prestigious scientific research institutions and higher education organizations of foreign countries to improve the scientific and pedagogical competence of university professors and the level of student's knowledge. All collected research papers and theses will be published under the committee of the Portugal Editorial Board.</p> en-US Sun, 16 Jul 2023 22:44:04 -0600 OJS 60 ПОВЫШЕНИЕ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ ПОДГОТОВКИ ФУТБОЛИСТОВ <p><em>В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы совершенствования физической подготовленности футболистов. Обоснованное мнение и рассуждения представлены на протяжении всей статьи.</em></p> Базаров Фахриддин Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 16 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0600 CHOLELITHIASIS. ETIOLOGY, PATHOGENESIS, CLINIC, DIAGNOSTICS, TREATMENT <p>this article is about what is сholelithiasis and its etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.</p> Jumanazarova Mokhinur Jumanazar kizi Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 25 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0600 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE THINKING IN FUTURE TEACHERS THROUGH PROJECT-BASED LEARNING <p>Pedagogical thinking is increasingly expanding ideas, research and innovations for modern education by professionals capable of self-development, self-awareness as a subject, responsibility and flexibility, as well as the environment for their formation.</p> Sulaymanova Dildora Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 20 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0600 INNОVАTSIОN TEXNОLОGIYАLАRNI QО‘LLАSH METОDIKАSINI TА’LIM TRАYEKTОRIYАSI АSОSIDА TАKОMILLАSHTIRISH <p><em>Ushbu maqolada оliy tа’lim muаssаsаlаridа tаhsil оlаyоtgаn tаlаbаlаrning infоrmаtikа fаnlаri dоirаsidа kаsbiy kоmpetentligini shаkllаntirishdа mаvjud innоvаtsiоn tа’lim texnоlоgiyаlаri, mаzkur texnоlоgiyаlаrni qо‘llаsh kаsbiy kоmpetentlikni shаkllаntirish оmili ekаnligi, ulаrni qо‘llаsh metоdikаsini tа’lim trаyektоriyаsi аsоsidа tаkоmillаshtirishgа оid mа’lumоtlаr keltirilgаn.</em></p> A.I.Inatov Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0600 ТУРЛИ АГРОЦЕНОЗЛАРДА ҒЎЗАНИНГ ВЕРТИЦИЛЛЁЗ ВИЛТ БИЛАН КАСАЛЛАНИШИНИ КАМАЙТИРИШДА ОРГАНИК ЎҒИТЛАР ВА БИОЛОГИК ПРЕПАРАТНИНГ АҲАМИЯТИ <p>Органик ўғитлар ва Rizokom-1 препарати уйғунлашган ҳолда қўлланилиши&nbsp; тупроқдаги органик модданинг миқдорининг кўпайиши ғўзанинг вертициллёз вилт билан касалланишини камайтиради. Бу ҳолатни тупроқда касаллик чақирувчиларининг антогонистларини кўпайиши ҳамда ғўзанинг тўлақонли озиқланиши билан боғлиқ деб изоҳлаш мумкин. Умуман олганда, органик ўғитлар (сидерат ва гўнг) ва биологик препарат тупроқдаги Verticullit dahliae Кleb патогенига салбий таъсир кўрсатиб, ғўзанинг вертициллёз вилт билан касалланишини камайтиради.</p> Аллабердиев Рустамжон Хамраевич, Элмурoдова Матлуба Абдурахманова Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0600 REGBI O’YININING RIVOJLANISH TARIXI VA QOIDALARI <p>Ushbu maqolamda Regbi o’ynining qayerda va qachon, qanday rivojlanganligi xaqida malumotlar olishingiz mumkin. Regbi – bu jamoviy&nbsp; o'yin bo'lib, uning ajdodi xalq to'pi o'yinlari hisoblanadi. Uning kelib chiqish tarixi uzoq o'tmishga borib taqaladi. Ushbu sport chidamlilikni rivojlantirishga, yurak qon tomir tizimini mustahkamlashga yordam beradi.Undan tashqari ushbu sport turida joma bolib o’ynaladi va jomada bir biriga hurmat qilish va birga xarakatda bolishni orgatadi.</p> Perjanova Gulchemen Kakishovna Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 04 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0600 RESULTS OF SURGICAL CORRECTION OF BLEPHAROPTOSIS <p>Consideration of the severity of biomechanical disturbances of vector forces in ptosis of the upper eyelid of various etiologies made it possible to optimize the method of correcting this pathology. 155 patients (197) with congenital and acquired ptoses of varying severity were operated on. A method has been developed to relax the tarsal plate before correcting ptosis of the upper eyelids. Determining the function according to Berke allows you to choose which muscle the tarsal plate should be attached to. In case of satisfactory, good and excellent function of the levator of the eyelid, fixation is carried out to the levator of the eyelid and in case of unsatisfactory function - to the frontal muscle. The proposed technique for reducing tarsal plate resistance is effective and provides good aesthetic and functional results. The method is low-traumatic, simple to perform and low-cost. Its effectiveness is high both in acquired ptosis and in congenital ptosis with resulting satisfactory and good function of the levator eyelid.</p> Ismailov S.I, Rasulov Zh.D, Akhmedov Sh.S Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0600 DeFi, Digital Assets, and the Legal Crossroads: Navigating the New Financial Frontier <p><em>The article delves into the burgeoning domain of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and its transformative influence on traditional financial mechanisms and the wider digital asset spectrum. As DeFi continues its rapid ascendancy, it increasingly intersects with global legal systems, necessitating a re-examination of established regulatory frameworks. Through a detailed exploration of DeFi's components such as smart contracts, DEXs, stablecoins, and NFTs, the article underscores the potential legal implications, challenges, and the pressing need for agile legal adaptations in an evolving digital age.</em></p> Abdullaeva Parvina Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 02 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Problems of Developing Students' Speech In Russian Language Lessons And Ways Solving Them <p><em>The main problem of teaching the language, it seems, is the problem of the relationship between the spontaneous process of mastering the language and the artificially built learning process. And also the influence of learning on the development of the language ability of the child. And it certainly exists and manifests itself in the speech behavior of the student.</em></p> Khudaykulova Feruza Kholovna Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 18 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0600 НЕКОТОРЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ МЕТАБОЛИТОВ МАГНИТНО-РЕЗОНАНСНОЙ СПЕКТРОСКОПИИ ПРИ ДИАГНОСТИКЕ ЭПИДЕРМОИДНОЙ КИСТЫ ЗАДНЕЙ ЧЕРЕПНОЙ ЯМКИ <p>В данной статье приводится анализ данных МР-спектроскопии при дермоидной опухоли задней черепной ямки, особенности метаболитов в очаге и по периферии опухолевого процесса. Приведены сведения о хирургическом лечении холестеатомы субокципитальным парамедианным доступом в раннем и позднем послеоперационном периоде.</p> Жураев А.М., Эшназарова Г.П., Тошев Т.Т Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 20 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Erkin A'zam’s Short Stories <div><span lang="EN-US">The new Uzbek prose, formed at the beginning of the 20th century, was not yet completely separated from the traditions of folk art and classical literature. The artistic style, the plot and compositional construction of the work, and the image of the hero were strongly influenced by the genres of fairy tales and epics.</span></div> Botirova Feruza Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 23 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0600 АНАЛИЗ ЭКОЛОГОЧЕСКОГО СОСТОЯНИЯ ДЕГРАДИРОВАННЫХ ПОЧВ НИЗОВЬЯ АМУДАРЬИ НА ОСНОВЕ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ МЕТОДОВ <p>Сегодня засоление почв является одной из главных проблем сельского хозяйства в мире. В результате изменения климата, резкого повышения температуры, возникновения засух происходит увеличение площадей засоленных почв. В Узбекистане площадь засоленных земель занимает 2 млн. 270,7 тыс. гектара, из них слабозасоленные земли 1 млн. 267,7 тыс. гектара, среднезасоленные земли 711,2 тыс. гектара и сильнозасоленные земли занимают 291,8 тыс. гектара [1].</p> М.Э. Саидова, М.А. Хожасов Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0700 ФАКТОРЫ ПРОГНОЗА РАКА ШЕЙКИ МАТКИ У БЕРЕМЕННЫХ <p>В настоящее время рак шейки матки (РШМ) в большинстве стран мира продолжает оставаться наиболее часто встречающейся злокачественной опухолью среди женского населения. Около 3% случаев рака шейки матки диагностируется во время беременности.</p> Тугизова Д.И, Каримова М.Н. Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 03 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0700 YOSHLAR TARBIYASIDA HUQUQIY SAVODXONLIK DARAJASINI OSHIRISH JARAYONLARI <p>Har qanday jamiyatning, huquqiy manfaatlaridan kelib chiqib, inson huquqlarini himoyalashga asoslangan asosiy qonuni, ya’ni Konstitutsiyasi bo‘lishi kerak. Konstitutsiya, avvalo, inson huquqlarini himoya &nbsp;qilishi hamda davlat mafaatlariga mos kelishi shart.O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Bosh qomusi — Konstitutsiyamizda fuqarolar mafaatlari barcha narsadan ustun ekanligi ta’minlangan. Shuningdek, konstitutsiya fuqarolar va davlat xavfsizligini ta’minlaydigan yagona mukammal huquqiy hujjat sanaladi. Yurtimizda istiqomat qilayotgan barcha fuqarolarning manfaati aynan Konstitutsiya orqali himoya qilingan. Jumladan, Asosiy qomusimizning <strong>50-moddasida “</strong>Har kim ta’lim olish huquqiga ega.Davlat uzluksiz ta’lim tizimi, uning har xil turlari va shakllari, davlat va nodavlat ta’lim tashkilotlari rivojlanishini ta’minlaydi”deb keltirib o’tilgan.</p> Shodmonov.M.I. Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 09 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0700 ASTRONOMIYADAN LABORATORIYA MASHG‘ULOTLARIDA AXBOROT TEXNOLOGIYALARINI QO‘LLASH METODLARI <p>Аmеrikа уоzuvсhisi Uilуаm Аrtur Uоrd “О‘rtасhа о‘qituvсhi hikоуа qilаdi, уахshi о‘qituvсhi tushuntirаdi. А’lо dаrаjаdаgi о‘qituvсhi еsа, bоlаlаrgа ilhоm bеrаdi” dеb уоzgаn еdi. Zаmоnаviу insоn fаоliуаtining bаrсhа jаbhаlаridа turmushdа fоуdаlаnilауоtgаn ахbоrоt tехnоlоgiуаlаri kundаlik hауоtimizning аjrаlmаs qismidir. Ахbоrоt tехnоlоgiуаlаridаn sаmаrаli fоуdаlаnish rаqаmli mоdеldа ifоdаlаngаn hаr хil turdаgi ахbоrоtlаr bilаn ishlаsh jаrауоnini tеzlаshtirаdi vа sоddаlаshtirаdi.</p> Sayfullayeva Gulhayo Ixtiyor qizi, Norqulova Madina Hamza qizi Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0700