Improvement of Spiritual and Moral Values af Female Students Based on the Spiritual Heritage of Timurid Princesses

Improvement of Spiritual and Moral Values af Female Students Based on the Spiritual Heritage of Timurid Princesses


  • Kurbanova Dilafruz Tashturdievna SamSU named after Sharof Rashidov Assistant of the department of interfaculty pedagogy


It is known that as a result of the Mongol invasion, Movarounnahr was politically disintegrated, the state order was destroyed, and Amir Temur entered the political arena in a difficult historical situation. Amir Temur understood the need of the times, that is, the need to clean the country from Mongol invaders and restore a single, strong centralized state.




How to Cite

Kurbanova Dilafruz Tashturdievna. (2023). Improvement of Spiritual and Moral Values af Female Students Based on the Spiritual Heritage of Timurid Princesses. Creativity and Intellect in Higher Education: International Scientific-Practical Conference, 154–158. Retrieved from