Pedagogical-Psychological Directions Of Development Of Critical Thinking In Heads Of Educational Institutions

Pedagogical-Psychological Directions Of Development Of Critical Thinking In Heads Of Educational Institutions


  • Motabarkhon Khusanovna Nigmatova 1st year Master's Student, Department of Management of Educational Institutions, Kokand University, Uzbekistan


critical thinking, educational strategies, highlighting, developing critical thinking.


The development of critical thinking in heads of educational institutions is a multifaceted process that involves the integration of pedagogical and psychological approaches. This abstract explores key directions for cultivating critical thinking skills in educational leaders. Pedagogically, professional development programs, cognitive skills enhancement, and the promotion of reflective practices are essential components. Additionally, fostering an inquiry-based culture, engaging in collaborative learning communities, and implementing problem-based learning contribute to a holistic approach. From a psychological perspective, emotional intelligence training, constructive feedback mechanisms, and an emphasis on continuous learning and adaptability play pivotal roles in shaping critical thinking abilities. The incorporation of Socratic questioning techniques further refines leaders' analytical skills. Through the amalgamation of these pedagogical and psychological strategies, educational leaders can develop robust critical thinking skills, enabling them to navigate complexities, make informed decisions, and foster a culture of innovation within educational institutions.



How to Cite

Khusanovna Nigmatova , M. . (2023). Pedagogical-Psychological Directions Of Development Of Critical Thinking In Heads Of Educational Institutions. Actual Problems in Higher Education in the Era of Globalization: International Scientific and Practical Conference, 5, 133–135. Retrieved from