Literary and Comparative Analysis of “Godfather” and “Shaytanat”

Literary and Comparative Analysis of “Godfather” and “Shaytanat”


  • Maftunakhon Abduolimova Teacher at Fergana State University,Ali Mukhammad Valijonov- student at Fergana State University


genre, character, action, interaction, masterpiece, villain, comparative analaysis


The article will discuss two famous uzbek and american novels written in the 20th century and find similar characters, actions and unusual facts. Comparative study of the works of prominent writers of the world literature, in particular, English and Uzbek, is of great scientific and social significance. This is due to the fact that any national literature can not develop without interaction and mutual influence on the literary cognition of the peoples of the world. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that Uzbek literature not only influenced world literature but also was influenced by the world literature to a certain extent. The comparison of two novels by great authors may provide holistic description of detective world.




How to Cite

Abduolimova, M. . (2023). Literary and Comparative Analysis of “Godfather” and “Shaytanat”. International Conference on Multidimensional Research and Innovative Technological Analyses, 165–168. Retrieved from