An Examination of the Progression of Ecotourism, Tracing Its Development From Its Early Pioneers to Its Current Focus on Sustainable Practices

An Examination of the Progression of Ecotourism, Tracing Its Development From Its Early Pioneers to Its Current Focus on Sustainable Practices


  • Kadyrov Azizjon Anvarovich Researcher of Bukhara State Umiversity


Ecotourism, Sustainable Tourism Development, Mass Tourism Syndrome, Baikal Region, Environmental Conservation, Tourism Resources, Resource Utilization Syndromes, Developmental Syndromes.


This essay investigates the evolution of ecotourism, analyzing its growth and emergence as a substantial influence in reaction to the increasing effects of human activities on natural and cultural heritage resources. The significance of sustainable tourism development grows as the effects of mass tourism on natural and tourism resources continue. This study examines the negative consequences of unregulated growth in the tourism industry, utilizing research conducted from the 1970s to the present day. The focus of this study is specifically on syndromes such as Mass Tourism Syndrome and the Sahara Syndrome. Furthermore, it explores the unique situation of the Baikal region in Russia, which is highly acknowledged for its diverse tourism resources and the implementation of protective legislation. The analysis also encompasses the scrutiny of waste management, utilization patterns of resources, and developmental concerns. The emphasis lies in emphasizing the significance of conscientious tourist practices to safeguard global attractions.


